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来源:绿色直播吧作者:圆月弯刀2023-07-09 05:50:04


1.2020东京奥运会闭幕式观后感作文   在悠扬而空灵的音乐声中,奥运圣火缓缓熄灭,第3xx届夏季奥林匹克运动会8月8日在东京新国立竞技场的夜色中闭幕。   国际奥委会主席XX评价这是xx届“希望、团结、和平”的奥运会,是xx届“前所未有”的奥运会。他在闭幕式致辞中说,在这困难的时期,你们给了世界最珍贵的礼物——希望!自疫情发生以来,这是第一次,整个世界团结在一起。体育重回舞台中央。世界上亿万的人们情同与共,分享喜悦与激励的瞬间。这给予我们以希望,这给予我们对未来的信念。   在奥运五环旗引领下,206个代表团运动员代表依次入场。在东京以9秒83创造男子百米亚洲纪录的苏炳添作为中国代表团旗手,高举五星红旗出场。   本届奥运会,中国体育代表团由777人组成,其中运动员431人,参加了30个大项225个小项的角逐,为境外奥运参赛小项最多的xx届。经过16天奋勇拼搏,中国代表团共获得38金32银18铜,共计88枚奖牌,位列金牌榜和奖牌榜第二位,金牌数追平了境外参加奥运会的成绩。   美国代表团以39金41银33铜的成绩,依然排在金牌榜和奖牌榜的首位。东道主日本代表团以27金14银17铜位居金牌榜第三位。   在一个多小时的运动员入场和闭幕式表演后,本届奥运会举行最后的颁奖仪式。女子马拉松和男子马拉松获奖运动员享受了在闭幕式上领取奖牌的荣耀。   刚刚成为国际奥委会运动员委员会委员的日本击剑运动员XXXX等人向奥运志愿者和城市志愿者赠送纪念礼品,表达对这些志愿者辛勤服务的感谢。这是城市志愿者首次获得奥运表彰。   在乐曲声中,奥运五环旗缓缓降下、收起,由东京都知事XXXXX交给XX,再由XX交给第3xx届夏季奥运会东道主巴黎市长XX·XXXX,由此拉开视频版“巴黎八分钟”的序幕。   奥运圣火缓缓熄灭,圣火台缓缓闭拢,还原成一个球形。在现场运动员和工作人员的欢呼声中,人们向东京奥运会说再见。 2.2020东京奥运会闭幕式观后感作文   东京奥运会即将接近尾声,在奥运赛场上,我们看到各个比赛项目里出现了越来越多年轻的面孔,正值青春年华的他们为国而战,把汗水与努力毫无保留的挥洒在赛场上,为我们展示了青年力量。他们稚嫩却又坚定,以实际行动践行着“强国有我”的铮铮誓言。   涵养“一片丹心图报国”的志气,用爱国热情书写强国有我。志之所趋,无远弗届。踏上赛场,运动员们胸前闪着光芒的五星红旗,他们怀揣着为国争光的使命与信念出战东京。赛场上顽强拼搏的中国健儿,每一次命中目标、每一次精彩扣杀、每一次力挽狂澜,一次又一次鼓舞着国人的热情和士气。体操男子个人全能决赛,获得银牌的肖XX表示,“我今天就是展示,展示什么是中国运动员的意志品质。我为祖国自豪,祖国为我骄傲”,肖XX用不服输的精神向世界展示了中国奥运健儿的风采。当《义勇军进行曲》一次次在赛场飘扬,当“强国有我”“团结起来,振兴中华”这些响亮口号频频从赛场传出,我们所有人的爱国激情都被点亮。作为新时代青年,我们要从奥运赛场上汲取爱国能量,把志向定位于促进国家发展、社会进步的时代坐标上,把行动落实在一件件具体的实事、小事上,为推动国家发展、实现民族伟大复兴献出自己的涓滴之力。   增强“不破楼兰终不还”的骨气,用艰苦奋斗书写强国有我。每个走上奥运赛场的运动员,无不在平日里付出千锤百炼的努力。孙XX历经15年努力换来如今的“一剑光寒定九州”,侯XX顶着四十度高温跑步训练最终圆梦东京,苏XX用三年时间在百米短跑中提高0.08秒,让世界瞩目……我们看到的所有成绩与荣誉,都是用运动员们的汗水与努力铺垫而成的。运动员们的坚毅与努力不只是体现在平日的训练中,他们在赛场上克服心理压力和身体伤痛,奋勇拼搏的顽强姿态同样值得我们尊重和学习。女排比赛中,XX带伤出战,拼尽全力,哪怕只剩百分之一的机会,也会尽的努力。还有很多运动员为了此次奥运比赛,带着伤病,打了封闭,吃了止疼药依然坚持上场比赛。这就是运动员的拼搏精神、敬业精神。新时代青年要不断磨砺自己负重前行的脊梁骨,锁定自己的目标,涵养“越是艰险越向前”的斗争精神,以艰苦奋斗书写青春的绚烂华章。   筑牢“会当击流三千里”的底气,用必胜信念书写强国有我。底气源于过硬的实力和必胜的信念,中国体育代表团中,无论是初出茅庐的少年,还是身经百战的老将,无论是独自上场还是团队作战,他们身上都闪耀着永不放弃、勇争第一的豪情与信念。拿下100米蝶泳银牌后,张XX大喊一声“加油!”“可以输,但不会轻易认输,一定要争一争”;00后小将孙XX面对比分落后的局面,及时调整心态,逆转局势最终取得胜利,生动诠释了“少年负壮气,奋烈自有时”。奥运赛场上,他们展现的自信与从容,流下的汗水与泪水,一次又一次赢得国人的钦佩与感叹,那种必胜的信念和顽强的意志激励着场外的我们砥砺前行。   新时代青年要始终保持“乘风破浪会有时”的自信,并付诸以“直挂云帆济沧海”的行动,处在顶峰时不自傲,面对低谷时不自怜,以一颗拼搏之心向着胜利进军,向着梦想前进! 3.2020东京奥运会闭幕式观后感作文   2021东京奥运会后面xx届是2024年巴黎奥运会,将在法国巴黎举行,举办时间为2024年08月02日-2024年08月18日。   巴黎曾于1900年和1924年分别举办过两次奥运会,巴黎获得2024年夏季奥运会主办权,时隔100年再次迎来奥运会。巴黎也成为伦敦之后第二个举办过xx届夏季奥运会的城市。   下xx届奥运会将会在法国巴黎举办,也就是三年之后的2024年。希望到时候,全人类已经战胜了新冠肺炎疫情,世界各地都已经解除了封禁,街上的人们不再戴着口罩,大家出行也不必进行核酸检测、不必再接受隔离,奥运会的场馆里都坐满了观众,为自己国家的运动员加油助威。   希望到时候,全人类已经战胜了新冠肺炎疫情,世界各地都已经解除了封禁,街上的人们不再戴着口罩,大家出行也不必进行核酸检测、不必再接受隔离,奥运会的场馆里都坐满了观众,为自己国家的运动员加油助威,期待……   通过这届奥运会,优秀的中国代表团以总奖牌数88枚的好成绩位列第二,让我们向他们致敬。 4.2020东京奥运会闭幕式观后感作文   运动赛场上,00后在接力。00年的XX和李XX、03年的严XX、04年的管XX,这些年轻的运动员以青春之我耕耘在比赛场上,尽显后浪风采。他们无限美好,又异常冷静。XX的胡萝卜头绳以及指甲上的粉色珍珠美甲都体现着00后的青春洋溢;姜XX手插兜、面无表情的比赛,反映了00后自带的气场。场上的她们自信地让国歌唱响东京,场下的她们也热衷于综艺、追星与自拍。   在面对重任时,00后义不容辞地冷静上前,在回归自我后,00后尽情挥洒青春的活力,这是00后的风采,也是后浪的本真模样。   00后健儿打破了以往世人对运动员的刻板形象,以自信大方、真实得体的姿态走向世界。大众眼里“身负为国争光的使命”的奥运健儿形象,让人略有压力;西方视角里“不懂审美”“单调无趣”的中国运动员形象,过于片面。00后健儿们用自己自信的言语、得体的举动,让国人以及西方人士看到中国的青春力量。   新一代的青年既有老一辈的努力、拼搏,又有独有的灵气和活泼。他们的形象更加立体、多元,全面展示新时代的中国姿态。 5.2020东京奥运会闭幕式观后感作文   从历史的角度看金牌。113年前,我国还未取得举办奥运的资格,但我们企盼金牌;89年前,刘长春只身代表中国参加奥运空手而归,我们渴望金牌;37年前,许海峰一枪实现中国奥运金牌“零”的突破,辉光乍现;13年前,我们举办奥运,金牌数达到世界第一,举国欢腾,却逐渐陷入对金牌的“魔怔”;16年里约,中国金牌数大幅下滑,舆论哗然;如今,中国队金牌失落,拒绝反感者有之,亦不乏鼓励安慰之声。   金牌的确重要。它是中国运动员优秀的表征,是全国人民的热切期望、是民族自豪和自信的来源,亦是一定程度上国家强大的体现。   但金牌也不重要。如今我国国力增强,政治实力、经济实力和国际影响力与日俱增,我们不必再为奥运会上得几块金牌而揪心。我们应更享受奥运的过程,更接近奥运精神的本真。   事实上,金牌数量不是最重要的,比它更值得关注的是我们的运动健儿们在比赛中体现的精神——敢拼敢搏、不抛弃不放弃的运动精神和更高、更快、更强、更团结的奥运精神。这种精神是无法用金牌衡量、用物质换取的。   这种精神体现在女篮队员即使落后也每球必争、每球必抢的行动上;这种精神也体现在混双即使出现失误也绝不放弃、努力弥补的态度上。这种精神,给了运动员面对失败再来一次的勇气;这种精神,给了他们顶住质疑站上赛场的决心;这种精神,给了他们忍受病痛坚持训练的毅力……正是因为拥有这样的精神,他们才能熬过艰难的训练,最终站在赛场上书写他们的传奇。金牌只是阶段性的结果,它不是目的,体育竞技的目的应该是传承并弘扬奥运精神,而一直以来我们都是这样做的。









【 #英语资源# 导语】东京奥运会闭幕式的结束,意味着2020东京奥运会的结束,尽管这场奥运算不上完美,但是每一位奥运健儿的表现都是完美的,他们用奥林匹克的精神向世界展示着体育竞技的魅力。来自中国的体育健儿们也是表现突出,给世界带来巨大的惊喜,让我们共同期待体育健儿们的归来。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.东京奥运会闭幕式英语观后感   On the night of August 7, typhoon "Yinhe" suddenly visited Tokyo and washed the whole city. On the afternoon of the 8th, less than 3 hours before the closing of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the rain ended and the clouds dispersed, and a double rainbow appeared over the Tokyo Bay.   At 8 p.m., at the new national arena in Tokyo under the curtain of night, the lights were like stars and streamers. There were no spectators in the stadium, which could accommodate nearly 70000 people, but only Olympic related personnel and journalists.   This new era of novel coronavirus pneumonia has witnessed countless Olympic Games, but it is about to fall.   This is a closing ceremony without large-scale group performance, gorgeous costumes and props, and noisy scene. It is simple but not simple.   The wonderful pictures since the opening are playing on the big screen, including the moment of deciding the champion and more warm and moving scenes: how do athletes from war-torn areas pursue their dreams and sweat on the field; How to applaud the opponents who compete on the court; How to help each other and encourage the players who fall on the runway to finish the race; How do athletes who share gold medals in high jump achieve and hug each other excitedly   There were tears in the stands. Honor is not only related to victory or defeat, friendship and unity are also the true meaning of the Olympic Games.   Delegations enter. Chinese flag bearer Su Bingtian held high the national flag and swaggered“ On the night of the first World War, he was dressed in red and broke the Asian record of 9.83 seconds, becoming the first Chinese to break into the men's 100m finals of the Olympic Games.      This summer, the Chinese sports delegation won 38 gold, 32 silver and 18 bronze medals, ranking second in the gold medal list and medal list. The 431 athletes of the Chinese delegation demonstrated to the world their sports spirit of self-confidence, striving and constantly surpassing themselves with excellent performance.   With high-tech means, the golden five rings soared in the center of the stage, and the whole audience was boiling with fireworks.   Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, commented that this Olympic Games is an "Olympic Games of hope, unity and peace" and an "unprecedented" Olympic Games. "Tonight, the Olympic flame lit here will be quietly extinguished, but the hope lit here will last forever," said Yoshiko Hashimoto, chairman of the Tokyo organizing committee   At the handover ceremony of the Olympic five ring flag, when Bach handed the flag to Paris mayor Hidalgo, there was applause.   The wonderful Paris starts in eight minutes. This is the first time in history that the National Anthem of the host country of the next Olympic Games is not played on site, but displayed by video. French musicians played Marseille together in every corner of Paris.   In Qubi, a girl riding a small wheel started riding on the roofs of major buildings in Paris. Paris landmarks also appear one by one through these "flying eaves and walls": Paris Coin Museum, Orsay Museum, Paris Grand Palace, Paris Opera House, Arc de Triomphe, Concorde square, Eiffel Tower and pantheon of sages. City and sports, ancient and modern, eternity and youth blend perfectly in the short film.   At the scene in Paris, the "French Patrol" flight performance team rendered the sky blue, white and red. In the promotional film broadcast on site, the Eiffel Tower incarnated into a large "flagpole", and the virtual flag with the emblem of the Paris Olympic Games was displayed on the tower through computer special effects.   "For the first time since the outbreak, the whole world is united. Sports return to the center of the stage. Hundreds of millions of people in the world share the same feelings and share the moments of joy and inspiration, which gives us hope and faith in the future. " Bach said.   The people at the scene were reluctant to leave. Tonight's Tokyo has left unforgettable memories for the Olympic movement and sent good wishes to the world.   The summer of 2021 belongs to sports and Olympics. 2.东京奥运会闭幕式英语观后感   "This is an unprecedented Olympic Games, and we have made unprecedented efforts"   After the closing ceremony, the flag bearers of all delegations held high their flags and entered one after another. The flags of all delegations flew in the Tokyo National arena, and the flag bearers of all countries surrounded in a circle, which symbolized friendship and unity. The flag bearer of the closing ceremony of the Chinese delegation was "flying man" Su Bingtian, who just set an Asian record of 9.83 seconds in the men's 100m track and field competition in the Olympic Games. He raised the five-star red flag to show the world the style of Chinese athletes. Athletes from various countries then entered the venue one after another, and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant. At this time, countless light spots gather together to form a bright symbol of the five Olympic rings, which is called the "five rings of light".   At the closing ceremony, the awarding ceremony of the men's and women's marathons of the Olympic Games was also held, which was the first time that the men's and women's marathons were awarded at the closing ceremony at the same time. Since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the men's marathon award ceremony has been held at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The Tokyo Olympic Games is the first time that the women's marathon award ceremony appeared at the Olympic closing ceremony. The next summer Olympic Games will be held in Paris, France, in 2024. At the closing ceremony, the Olympic flag was passed from the governor of Tokyo, baiheko Koike, to IOC President Bach, and finally to Paris mayor Hidalgo. Paris also showed its urban style to the world through an 8-minute video clip.   In his speech at the closing ceremony, the president of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, Keiko Hashimoto, thanked each athlete and all medical staff for their contributions, and thanked the IOC, the Japanese government and the Tokyo government for their strong support. Then, representatives of athletes from five continents came on the stage. Judo player Abe Shi represented Asia, track and field player Hassan represented Europe, track and field player Taki represented Africa, track and field player Quinn represented America, football player represented Oceania, and refugee delegation head nagasolo laupe.   IOC President Bach said in his speech: "the best athletes in the world will make your dreams come true and shine in the world on the Olympic stage. At the same time, Tokyo should also be very proud of your achievements. Special thanks to all the volunteers. Your smile warms our hearts! " At the same time, Bach also expressed his gratitude to the volunteers in Japanese and led shiko Hashimoto and athletes to "compare hearts" on the spot. 3.东京奥运会闭幕式英语观后感   In the melodious and ethereal music, the Olympic flame was slowly extinguished, and the 32nd Summer Olympic Games closed in the night of the new national arena in Tokyo on August 8.   International Olympic Committee President Bach commented that this is a "hope, unity and peace" Olympic Games and an "unprecedented" Olympic Games. In his closing speech, he said that in this difficult period, you have given the world the most precious gift - hope! For the first time since the outbreak, the whole world has united. Sports return to the center of the stage. Hundreds of millions of people in the world share the same feelings and share the moments of joy and inspiration. This gives us hope, this gives us faith in the future.   Under the guidance of the Olympic five ring flag, athletes from 206 delegations entered in turn. Su Bingtian, who set the men's 100m Asian record in 9.83 seconds in Tokyo, held high the five-star red flag as the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation.   In the current Olympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation consists of 777 people, including 431 athletes, who participated in 30 major events and 225 minor events, which is the most minor events in the overseas Olympic Games. After 16 days of hard work, the Chinese delegation won a total of 38 gold, 32 silver and 18 Copper, a total of 88 medals, ranking second in the gold medal list and medal list. The number of gold medals equaled the best result of overseas participation in the Olympic Games.   With 39 gold, 41 silver and 33 bronze, the U.S. delegation still ranked first in the gold medal and medal lists. The host Japanese delegation ranked third in the gold medal list with 27 gold, 14 silver and 17 copper.   After more than an hour of athletes' admission and closing ceremony performance, the final award ceremony of the Olympic Games will be held. The women's and men's marathon winners enjoyed the honor of receiving medals at the closing ceremony.   Japanese fencer Hideki Taida, who has just become a member of the IOC Athletes Committee, presented commemorative gifts to Olympic volunteers and urban volunteers to express their gratitude for their hard service. This is the first time that urban volunteers have won Olympic recognition.   In the sound of music, the Olympic five ring flag was slowly lowered and put away. The governor of Tokyo, baihezi Koike, handed it to Bach, and then Bach handed it to Anna Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, host of the 33rd Summer Olympic Games, thus opening the prelude to the video version of "Paris eight minutes".   The Olympic flame is slowly extinguished, and the flame platform is slowly closed and restored to a sphere. In the cheers of the on-site athletes and staff, people said goodbye to the Tokyo Olympic Games.
